Friday, July 3, 2009

The Heart of Servants

Amy having fun babysitting the girls.
Joel & Joe Baird working on taking down the chandelier.
Mari Carmen (aka Hammer) touching up my poor texturing job. And Katie sanding Hammer's head. =D
Carter & Brian tag-teaming putting up the fans in the guest bedrooms.
Joe tackling the hall lights.

For a little over a month, our community group/ care group/ small group (whatever you want to call it) have been taking turns at each other's homes doing whatever house projects need to be done this summer. It's great because all of us have homes that, as many of you homeowners know, always have a project or two or more needing to be done. With the help of friends, it makes the process so much faster and way more fun!!

Whoever's home we're at, they provide us with a meal and we all chip in to help do whatever task is at hand. I chose to make meatball calzones (one of Joel's new favorites), salad, and rocky road freeze dessert (sooooo good...a little too good if you ask me). After a quick dinner (because we were fighting against the sun setting & losing light to work on the fixtures), the boys helped put up all new fixtures: 3 ceiling fans, 1 chandelier, 1 kitchen light, and 2 hall lights. The girls helped me sand and re-texture my awful 1st attempt at our guest bathroom walls. We were originally going to spray texture from cans all over the walls, but it needed some desperate touch-ups first. Joel & I then finished the texturing & painting of the bathroom the following day. More pictures to come.

Everyone did such a fabulous job!! We seriously couldn't have done it without them. Well, we probably could of, but it would've taken a LOT longer to get it done. ;)

As always,

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